Last August, the Google Pixel 9 was launched in Malaysia for the first time. The selling price is quite high, but Google is giving away a free one-year subscription to Google One AI Premium worth RM1,175.88 (RM97.99 per month). It is rumored that another series of flagship devices will be giving away this subscription for free to their customers.
According to a report by Android Authority that found code in the Google application version 15.52.37 beta, the new Samsung device will offer a one-year subscription to Google One AI Premium. It is expected that it will be for the Galaxy S25 series which may be launched on January 22. Interestingly, not all Galaxy S25 will receive the same offer.
Based on the code found, the one-year subscription may be limited to the Galaxy S25 Ultra. While the Galaxy S25+ is only 6 months and the Galaxy S25 is limited to 3 months. At the moment it is still unclear if this is limited to selected countries or for all, let's all wait for more information soon.