Telegram Receives Social Media License to Operate in Malaysia

Minister of Communications, Fahmi Fadzil has now announced that Telegram has received a social media operating license in Malaysia, making it the third service to receive the license. Previously, WeChat and TikTok services were among the first to receive a social media license, which is effective in Malaysia since January 1, 2025.

Also shared is that Meta, which operates Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp, is also in the process of obtaining a license, and is expected to receive it in the near future.

The government has set legislation for social media services with more than 8 million users to obtain an operating license in Malaysia, to ensure that the platform is more responsible in managing content, as well as removing harmful content such as gambling and pornography.

Previously, it was also said that X has less than 8 million users and is not subject to this license, while Google is in discussions with the MCMC regarding YouTube's position as a video sharing platform.

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