WhatsApp has previously introduced a transcription feature for voice messages, allowing WhatsApp users who receive a voice message to tap on it and generate a transcript. Then, within a few seconds, you can see the full transcript of the voice message, and give a reaction or response – without having to turn up the speaker to hear the voice message. This is very useful when you are out of the office, in noisy environments, and in some situations that are not suitable for listening to voice messages.
This feature was initially limited to only a few languages, and interestingly, WhatsApp for iPhone has now been updated, and also includes support for generating transcripts in Bahasa Malaysia.
To activate this feature, users only need to go to the Settings > Chats > Voice Message Transcripts page, and activate it there. Next, you can also choose the transcription language for a voice message. Currently, only one language can be selected.
From our tests for this voice message transcript, it works well, and displays the text without any problems for the entire voice message sent.
For WhatsApp users on Android, it is still limited to only a few languages, and does not support Bahasa Malaysia yet.