Sometimes when editing an image, you need the touch of several graphic editors, to ensure a beautiful and neat final result. This usually requires sharing a file manually, or through the use of Adobe's built-in cloud service.
Now, in an effort to make it even easier, Adobe announced that they are testing a new feature in Photoshop, called Live Co-Editing. As the name suggests, it allows you to connect with several other editors, and do co-editing simultaneously at the same time.
Roughly speaking, it will work like Google Docs, where you can see what others are doing, including their names and the parts they are editing.
Adobe says this will make a number of things easier, including in terms of work, as well as learning and teaching. Currently, Adobe is in the testing phase for this feature, and wants to get feedback first before introducing it widely. For those of you who are interested, you can register your interest to try the Live Co-Editing feature in Adobe Photoshop today.