The US government has previously issued an order for TikTok's operations to be sold or completely shut down in the country. This has caused various companies to race to acquire and buy TikTok's US operations. Not only that, the US government itself has given signs that it wants to gain a hold on the company's operations through the establishment of a sovereign wealth fund.
However, now analysts target China may provide several challenges in this process - including possibly letting TikTok's US operations die without selling it.
The Chinese government itself is ready to dislike the US approach of forcing sales, and says that things should be free to follow market movements, and not due to pressure from any party. With the US's continued push, China may retaliate.
At the same time, analysts also target TikTok may be used as one of the topics to discuss trade policy and tariffs that have been hotly debated recently.
For ByteDance itself, it is said that TikTok's operations in the United States number around 170 million users, and this number can be said to be still small compared to their operations globally. Closing its operations is also expected to not have a high impact on ByteDance.
For yourself, do you think ByteDance will sell TikTok's operations in the United States, or vice versa?