It seems to be getting harder to read and see testimonials on social media platforms, especially Instagram. If you have been buying products on Instagram for example and to know if the seller is trustworthy, you have to read the comments left by previous customers. Coming soon, comments can no longer be trusted because they can be paid messages.
Yesterday, Instagram introduced Testimonials in their Partnership Ad. With this program, content creators can send text of up to 125 words to advertisers and this text will be advertised as a comment/testimonial on their shared photos or videos. According to Instagram, it is a fast way for content creators to generate income because it is just typing text.
In addition, selected content creators who publish organic content (not paid) but have any brand tags - those brands, if allowed, can now continue to use videos as promotional materials. This feature is still in the testing stage for some content creators only and it is not sure if it will be given to those in Malaysia as well.