Samsung Granted Patent for Galaxy Ring to Control All Galaxy Devices Like a Jedi

Becoming a Jedi hero is certainly the dream of many Star Wars fans. However, it can only be an imagination and dream because Star Wars is fiction. In the real world, the closest Jedi power that everyone can enjoy is air gesture control for everyday devices. Recently, Samsung was granted a patent for a device control that is more or less the same.

In this patent document, Samsung imagines that the Galaxy Ring is not just a health tracking device but also a control tool. Just move your hand gesture in front of the Galaxy Tab screen, it can be connected directly to the Galaxy Book. Then it can also be used for screen control and the most interesting is the Huawei-like file sharing feature, which is just hold and release.

Theoretically, Samsung can now introduce this feature by giving the Galaxy Book and Galaxy Tab cameras the ability to detect the user's finger wearing the ring and activate this feature. However, it will definitely be inefficient and not smooth. So maybe the next-generation Galaxy Ring could have Bluetooth, radio or other support for Air Command-like control on the S Pen that has been removed from the Galaxy S25 Ultra.

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