Twitch Limits Uploads to 100 Hours Per Channel, Effective April 2025

Twitch has now announced that it will implement a storage limit for uploads and “Highlights” to only 100 hours per user, effective April 19, 2025. If the storage limit is exceeded, the videos will be automatically deleted – especially with low viewing rates.

Moving forward, Twitch will also add a storage monitor to user accounts, making it easier for them to see their usage and manage their videos based on their viewing rate and video duration.

Twitch also emphasized that this change will not take into account video sharing in the “Clips” format. This change is expected to only affect around 0.5% of users who are actively streaming on Twitch.

Twitch also said that the Highlights feature is not as effective as using Clips and Tags. This also leads to high storage costs, for features that are rarely watched. With this move, Twitch is expected to be able to manage their resources and storage more effectively.

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