It's Now Easier for You to Remove Personal Data Appearing in Google Search

Who doesn't like their data and privacy being invaded? Even though nowadays most of the applications and services we use will collect data, each one is still trying its best to protect users. The latest is Google which makes it easier for users to remove their personal data that is spread on the Internet.

In Google Search, if the search results show your personal data – please press the three-dot menu and select “It shows my personal info”. Google also gives two other options such as “I have a legal removal request,” and “It’s outdated and I want to request a refresh.” The first option is to request Google to remove data such as phone numbers, emails, home addresses, credit card numbers, login details and others. Google will review and carry out the removal process.

The other two options are to force Google to remove it due to a court order. While the third option is for Google to update with the latest information. This is very helpful and users don't have to bother looking for the settings to remove this personal data which is often hidden in the Google account settings.

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